Saturday, March 14, 2015

21 de Abril

happy late easter!
well this week was insane. also, before, to warn yall, the "a" key does not work here very you can fill them in..haha.  probably te most insane week of my entire mission.  To keep it short, all of this week we were preparing Luis for his baptism.  He passed his interview and everything.  We wanted to baptize him on saturday, that wy we could get confirmed on sunday in sacrment meeting.  Luis is doing great.  The only problem is that he is having legal problems and is living on the streets.  But he is reading the book of mormon and we have been traveling to the church-which is in the section of the elders, each day for the last two weeks.  anyways, he does his prayers so great!  He is lots more humble than when i first met him and wants to change his life and everything.  Weve been teaching him with some other members which has helped as well.  
ANYWAYS.  to save you of the long story, we got a call from the bishopric sayng they wanted to do the baptism on sunday because they werent going to be there on saturday, but we talked it over and a different leader ws going to preside in the baptism.  basiclly we pulled together a bptism in the morning.  we had the font filled, the agenda set, our investigator excited, when we recieved a phonecall..the leaders withdrew their permission from the other leader to preside and the baptism was going to be on sunday.  so that was fun. we went to drain the baptismal font, cried a lot, and told luis that it had to be tomorrow.  then we waited for the elders who had keys to the chapel to come lock it up.  two members showed up and took us to eat-we had to cancel our lunch because we were filling the font.  
the hardest part was when w went out to tell luis, he told us that he didnt want to be baptized and tried giving back his book of mormon. i felt like it couldnt get any worse.  but we convinced him to keep his book of mormon and come the next day for his baptism.  he walked away super hurt and sad, but said he would come. 
then tht night, our zone leaders said that they had talked to luis in the english clsses tht night and he said he was goin to come to church the next day....but he cant get baptized yet still for a load of complicated problems.  
anywys, it was the worst 32 hours ever! but in the end, we talked to luis, and he tlked to one of the counselors nd they put goals for his house sitution so tht he cn get baptized soon...
luis is happy at least. nd humble.  it was literally a miracle tht he didnt go running when he couldnt get bptized on sautyrd or sunday.  
so i dont mean to make this letter sound negative at all!  thats the lst thing im trying to do...just stating the facts.  anywys. luis? still progressing. he wants to be born again...he totlly fits the qualifications for bptism, but has to take care of a few things first!
more than that, i was reading isaiah in my spanish book of mormon. its suprisingly easier to understand in spanish.  who would have thought??
well i guess i learned a lot of things this week.  i think my faith grew, nd the good is that we helped luis recognize it as a trial of his faith-to help him grow more.  
it continues to be chilly at night...but its normal now. 
transfers are this week. im thinking im gonna stay...
but yeah.  from what ive heard, the fires in valpo are under control. so thts good news!
well thats the big news of this week.  we also taught a menos activo family.  the mom is named angela. i love her! shes so sweet.  
i love you all!
hermana emily hanks

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